Bring Your Ideas to Life
With VirtuoniX.

We create stunning digital experiences
that will help your business stand out.

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Who We Are

We are a leading Virtual Reality (VR) agency with a passion for creating immersive experiences that transport people to new worlds.

Our team of talented designers, developers, and creatives are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in VR.

We believe in the transformative power of VR and work closely with our clients to design bespoke projects that exceed their expectations. With years of experience and a talented team, we are confident in our ability to bring any idea to life in virtual reality.


Clearly outlining the project's goals, target audience, platform(s), and functionality.


Creating the visual and interactive elements of the VR/AR experience, such as UI design and 3D modeling.


Developing the software and integrating hardware components to create a functional VR/AR experience.


Publishing the project to the appropriate platform(s), marketing the experience, and providing necessary support to ensure a successful launch.

What We Do

We create immersive experiences for various industries. Our services include

At our core, we are passionate about using VR/AR technology to transform how people learn, work, and play. With our expertise and experience, we are committed to helping businesses unlock the full potential of this groundbreaking technology.

VR Training & Maintenance

We create VR training simulations that allow employees to learn and practice skills in a safe and controlled environment. Our training programs can be customized to meet the specific needs of businesses in a range of industries.


We create simulations for a variety of industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and aviation. Our simulations allow users to practice complex tasks and procedures in a risk-free environment, improving their skills and confidence.


We create immersive visualizations that allow users to explore and interact with complex data in a more intuitive and engaging way. Our visualizations can be used in a range of industries, including architecture, engineering, and construction.

Digital Twin

We create digital twins of physical environments, allowing users to explore and interact with them in a virtual setting. Our digital twins can be used for training, planning, and maintenance purposes in a range of industries.

AR Try-On

We create virtual try-on experiences for businesses in the fashion, beauty, and retail industries. Our virtual try-on solutions allow customers to see how products look on them before making a purchase, improving the customer experience and reducing returns.

Product Configurators

We create custom product configurators for businesses in the manufacturing and retail industries. Our product configurators allow customers to design and customize products in a virtual environment, improving engagement and reducing errors.

Featured Works

These are some of our recent projects and we are so excited to show them to you.

AR Projects Completed
VR Projects Completed
IOT Projects Completed
Happy Clients

Contact Us

Get in touch and let's make something great together. Let's turn your idea on an even greater product. +91 9071239640

Where To Find Us

Karnataka, India